How to Safely Do The Holidays in 2020
Holiday season is in full bloom, much like the COVID-19 cases. As we’ve dealt with this strange virus for most of 2020, many grandparents and retirees are ready and eager to visit with their family for Thanksgiving but are anxious about the safest way to do the holidays in 2020. H.A.R.D. doesn’t have all the answers, but we do know that there are ways to stay safe during the holidays and still celebrate!
We’ve all been told that older adults are at a higher risk for severe symptoms and harder recoveries, even death, from COVID-19 than younger people. This makes travel and visiting extended family difficult to ensure everyone’s safety and health. However, this doesn’t mean that your holidays are doomed to be gloomy and lonely. We’ve got some ideas on how to safely celebrate with your friends and family during the chaos of COVID.
What Are Your COVID Risks
Prior to making solid arrangements to get together with people who don’t live in your home, take a look at the risks involved, based on ages and medical health that could increase the risk of severe consequences from contracting COVID-19. Keep in mind the risk increases with age. The CDC shows that people aged 85 and over have the biggest risk and the most deaths from COVID.
These are some of the conditions that put people at a higher risk level, regardless of age:
- Diabetes (type 1 or type 2)
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Pregnancy
- Smoking
- Chronic kidney disease
- Liver disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Dementia
- Weakened immune system
- Organ transplant
- Serious heart problems
- Cardiomyopathy
- Heart failure
- Sickle cell disease
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Thalassemia
If people in your gathering group deal with the above mentioned underlying medical concerns, it is likely safest for them to not attend in-person.
If you determine that people are in general good health and want to get together, do your best to limit your exposure to COVID-19 as best you can for two solid weeks prior to the holiday gathering. Arrange to work from home, if possible, and limit your outings. These efforts will help reduce your chance of spreading the virus when it is time to celebrate.
Talk With Everyone Involved
Before the visit even starts, talk with everyone about how this year’s visit will be different from the perspective of physical interaction. Everyone might be used to getting lots of hugs, snuggles, and kisses from relatives, and might feel slighted or wonder why there are no affections being shared. Educate the kids about COVID-19 and explain to everyone the importance of social distancing and wearing face masks to protect each other from the virus.
Encourage anyone that is 65 or older to limit their exposure. This might be the best time for you to go to them, rather than them traveling to you. If they must travel, suggest they go by car instead of airplane. The fewer people your family gets in contact with and the fewer public places they go, the lower their risk is.
With state mandates in place and special rules everywhere, it’s important that you know the rules of the area you’ll all be meeting in. You can check the CDCs statements for states you may be visiting here.
Staying safe while gathering with small groups is the best case scenario. Greet one another without touching and continue to practice social distancing and wear face coverings during the visit. Try to spend time outdoors if weather permits. Some people may feel extremely uncomfortable by avoiding all physical contact with their loved ones. However, taking these precautions will help keep everyone in your family safe and healthy.
Safe Travels
Though many airlines say they are seating passengers at least 6 feet apart and requiring them to wear face masks, some planes are sold out and you’re sitting shoulder to shoulder with strangers. Being on an airplane, regardless of passenger load, makes it difficult to keep a safe distance from flight attendants and other passengers. We think traveling by car instead of by plane, which reduces in-person interactions and close distance with those outside of your household, is a much safer option. Pack snacks and meals that travel easily and can be eaten on the road. Remember your gloves and face masks to wear while stopping at restrooms and gas stations. Many hotels also require that you mask up prior to entering and whenever you leave your room.
As inconvenient and frustrating as it can be, we also recommend you don’t stay at your relative’s house, but get a hotel or house rental where your individual family can relax a bit and reduce the risk to your extended family. Some states require a 14-day quarantine after arriving in that state. This does not mean quarantining at your family’s home. It means quarantining in a private space without contact with others.
Have A Virtual Holiday
Instead of traveling to family for the holidays, consider having a virtual holiday. With so many video apps and online programs available, like Zoom or Google Hangouts, you can video chat with your friends and family easily. You can host virtual events, like family meals, happy hours, game nights or movie nights. H.A.R.D. has some ways you can make a virtual holiday special and memorable:
- Exchange favorite family recipes and each of you make a different one while video conferencing.
- Have the older generation share recipes with the younger generation. They can make them simultaneously so grandparents can give tips or talk the younger ones through techniques.
- Have a Thanksgiving dinner video chat. Set your phone or ipad up in a spot where relatives can see everyone at the table.
- Order your loved one’s favorite meal from their favorite restaurant and have it delivered, or if you live in the same area, make their favorites and drop them off on the porch so there’s no contact.
If you decide to spend the holidays with relatives this year, keep it safe for everyone in the family by following CDC guidelines, practicing social distancing, wearing a face covering, and washing your hands regularly. Stick to your city or state’s health and safety laws and take time to learn more about COVID-19 trends and cases in the area you’re traveling to.
The H.A.R.D. apparel line, HARD-Wears, made its debut in Daytona Beach, FL. And for the classy, beautiful women, the ones you dream about, a Dame’s apparel line is also in the works. But we are about more than just looking good. H.A.R.D. is a mindset, an attitude. A lifestyle that asks, reflects and answers HARD questions like:
The creation of Half Ass Retired Dude was initially geared towards the Baby Boomer generation – the 78 million people born from 1946 to 1964. These are people in early retirement or those who will be retiring in the near future. However, as we began to ask these questions of ourselves, we realized we shouldn’t just target people our age. H.A.R.D. does not advocate quitting your job, but it encourages you to evaluate what you want and need. In most cases it just asks you to look at life differently. This is also something you shouldn’t do alone. Before making any hasty decisions, seek some advice, get a mentor, pray. A wise person always seeks counsel. Learn more about H.A.R.D. at or contact us at