Solid Social Life in Retirement - H.A.R.D. Wears
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Solid Social Life in Retirement

By H.A.R.D. Wears on June 2, 2021 in Unique Retirement Gifts

Do you ever miss the office or the “daily grind” when you’re contemplating what to do in yet another day of retirement? Yeah, we don’t either, at least not most of the time. We don’t miss the endless pile of nonsense in our “in box”, or the daily sales call to create enthusiasm about reaching our manager’s goals, or the commute that sucked the life out of everyone on the road. As retirees, we certainly don’t miss the co-worker who didn’t stop yapping about her poodle or the supervisor who talked her kid was the only one who ever lost a tooth. Retirement comes with a lot of things, but it also reminds us that our time is now ours.

Whether you miss the office or not, we know that in our retirement age group, there are some things many of us do miss. You’d think most people would say we miss the regular paycheck the most. That’s valid, but according to a study conducted by Edward Jones dubbed “The Four Pillars of the New Retirement”, 41% of retirees share that they miss the social aspect work provided them.

Some other things retirees have shared that they miss in retirement include:

  • Contributing to a collaborative effort
  • Being valued for their experience
  • Belonging to a “group”
  • Feeling needed
  • Social interactions during and after the work day
  • Having a purpose to get out of bed
  • Being recognized for the title they held
  • The daily mental stimulation
  • Feelings of accomplishment
  • The paycheck
  • Etc

There have been studies that express the importance of social connections, showing that people who do have them are healthier and live longer. People with more and diverse friendships tend to have a lower risk of heart disease, and that having stronger social ties is linked to better cognitive health in later life and lower likelihood of developing dementia.

So, because we want to be around as long as possible with good health, we have made our social lives a priority. And we’ve got a few tips and tricks to share with you about achieving and maintaining a solid social life in your retirement.

Do not depend on your family to be your main social outlet. They’ve got their own stuff going on and might not have the freedoms you do. Here are some ways to meet new people who share your interests or status of “flexible schedule”:

  • Volunteer: Use your free time to participate in something you deeply believe in or have passion for. You could join a board of directors, committees, become a volunteer for certain events or ask if local schools or youth programs have a need for volunteers. You’ll find something to keep you as busy as you want to be and will meet others who share a similar interest.
  • Join a club: You can join the local country club, a gun club, bike club, hiking club, flower club, etc… There’s no shortage of clubs for people in retirement to join. Think about what you enjoy doing and see if there’s a club in your community filled with people with the same interest.
  • Attend Community Events and Activities: Start showing up to the local outdoor concerts, farmer’s markets, fundraising events, etc…You’ll likely start seeing some familiar faces at these events. Strike up a conversation with the vendors you see around, or the other community members. This is not the time to be shy.
  • Join some Facebook Groups: There are a lot of neighborhoods that have created groups, as well has special interest groups, community groups, support groups, etc… Again, this is one way to introduce yourself to like-minded individuals.
  • Travel: Travel by yourself or go with a group tour. Find a travel agent in your area that provides group travel and sign up for one of their destinations. Not only will you see some pretty cool places, we bet you’ll meet some pretty cool people.

Retirement is a great time to explore and so new things. It can also be a bit lonely if you don’t seek out companionship and social interaction. Make sure you don’t go it alone. Get out there and meet people or reconnect with people you knew back in the day. And remember, you’ve always got us! Feel free to connect on Facebook or through email anytime you’d like. We LOVE meeting new people, especially those of the retired kind ?

The H.A.R.D. apparel line, HARD-Wears, made its debut in Daytona Beach, FL. And for the classy, beautiful women, the ones you dream about, a Dame’s apparel line is also in the works. But we are about more than just looking good. H.A.R.D. is a mindset, an attitude. A lifestyle that asks, reflects and answers HARD questions…

The creation of Half Ass Retired Dude was initially geared towards the Baby Boomer generation – the 78 million people born from 1946 to 1964. These are people in early retirement or those who will be retiring in the near future. However, as we began to ask these questions of ourselves, we realized we shouldn’t just target people our age. H.A.R.D. does not advocate quitting your job, but it encourages you to evaluate what you want and need. In most cases it just asks you to look at life differently. This is also something you shouldn’t do alone. Before making any hasty decisions, seek some advice, get a mentor, pray. A wise person always seeks counsel. Learn more about H.A.R.D. at us at